A summary of all information linked to Paul Morphy or chess found in The New York Times. Following the links may require subscription. 1858 Wednesday,…
Paul Morphy
Who was Charles Boudousquie who, in June 1858, travelled with Paul Morphy from New York to Liverpool ? The issue of New York Times of…
Did Morphy play against the French Emperor Napoleon III during his stay in Paris ?
The above announcement was published by Thomas Frere in the July 24th edition of Franck Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, (source here), a few weeks after Paul…
The chessarch website provides 135 excerpts of the New-Orleans Sunday Delta from February 28th, 1858, to November 25th, 1860. This article summarizes the content of these excerpts.
When I became interested in the life of Paul Morphy, I had never made any historical research. I started to go through websites, to download…